Miss k participated in the "Walk of Life"..in order to help raise funds,to give back to charity, for HIV and Poverty..and later had enough strengh to go to a concert, to see 2 Massive Nigerian Artists ,(9ICE,and Terry G) down the troxy Venue in London.. it was Fun & well deserved after the 10 klms Walk...............
Some people might wonder why Miss k went on the Walk of Life, but sometimes it's easy to just Talk the Talk and not Walk the Walk,so she feel it was necessary for her to do so, not only for the good cause but also to proove that taking a little of your time for others can go a long way..It's never easy to deal with do...wnfalls in life & can not imagine for a minute,how life is for the HIV Positive Vicitme to to live with the Virus and to take daily medications,that is if they are able to get some...Protect yourself..Use Protection..Anybody can fall & make mistakes,this is not a crime,but NOT to Get up & fight for your life..THIS IS A CRIME.
Glamorously yours, with love
...Miss k