Miss-K entered the month of October in a bright light, celebrating the 55Th Nigerian Independence at the Abuja State House in London.
The golden Caribbean beauty seemed very excited to be attending the VIP-studded event, which is held yearly by the Nigerian High Commission.
The event is known as the hottest ticket in town, were Miss-K was able to meet with friends former Mayor of Enfiefd, Kate Anolue and Dr S.Fawehimi,just to name a few , without forgeting shaking hands with the acting High Commissioner himself, His Excellency Ambassador O.Bamgbose.
She looked stunning in patriotic ensemble,wearing an off the shoulder emerald green top by Ralph Lauren, with a mid length black skirt, without forgetting diamond hoops earrings and bracelets, possessing a figure which would be the envy of many women.
She led the way through the entrance of the residence, which serves a symbolic and political role and is a place where leading figures from all walks of life are
entertained by Nigeria's official representative in the UK.
Miss-K & Acting High Commissioner of Nigeria,
Ambassador O.Bamgbose & Mayor A. Aminu |
Miss-K &friend Dr S.Fawehinmi |
Miss-K with friend Mayor K.Anolue
Published by Miss-K's Team !