Thursday, June 10, 2010


Miss k was having so much fun yesterday ,on the set of Vocal slender's Video shoot. (Vocal slender is a young man who was discovered by BBC4 during the filming RETURN TO LAGOS, while working in clearing it's a celebration that this young man finaly got to see another side of the world for the first time of his hard working life..) Everyone from the Nigerian Entertainment  industry was There..Vocal Slender and Miss k hanging out on the SET of his Up coming Video ...It was a blast, so much fun and love in the building..The man himself, Roppo, Dj abass, Tijani Ent,Suga Alfred,JJC,and Afro Diva Magazine, whithout forgetting the lovely Miss tisha,and so many more, showing love and support to MR slender Himself...who just lighten up the house on Fire...get ready.... check out the sweet dedication vocal slender did 4 Miss k.. Follow this link ===>
In the VIP  LOUNGE .... With Vocal Slender

and on the Red coach Miss k posing with one of her sweet  Fan ..