Friday, July 23, 2010


Yoohpiiii, Miss k just finished a photoshoot yesterday for a New-York Magazine (Part-1) with her favorite photographer Mr Brian Would & it's looking fab allready...........check the behind the scene pics...Miss k played the role of the Capitain and then changed to play the sexy Mermaid...

Then she had no time to  rest,making her way to a movie premiere right after the shoot,the first African Musical in pigeon English : "COS OV MONI "on the big screen,she was looking forward to the film ,the distinguished 
Guest & after party..she reports " it was a Fabulous night ,and very packed... so much people turned up, i loved it.".she promised,t o snap few pics 4 u enjoy here they are..
 Miss k with OMG magazine crew..

Glamorously yours, with love ...Miss-k