Well , what a good news...to know that today,Miss k was able to count an extra country who has logged on to her site..From 62, she is now being Watch over 64 countries Worldwilde to this date, Bahamas Island just registered, on the Flag list...want a proove?? Check out the Flag Box on the left inside of your screen...Yesssss she is becoming a phenomenon,and it's such a good thing to know her little sweet Greemlins (fans) are mutipliying in numbers..so she would like to take the oppportunity to thank everyone that take their times out of their busy schedules to check her out.. she send her love..and tell a friend to tell a friend...If you love Miss k help her reach more countries, and spread the love and hard work she dedicates to this world..
Glamorously yours, with love ...Miss k