Miss-K secretly landed in Nigeria last night, right on time for the New Year Celebrations.
Excited about her upcoming adventures, she woke up this morning taking a glance at the sea shore, contemplating on her blessings, and her upcoming projects for 2015.
" I'm ever so thankful to all the people who have been following the journey over the years,supporting the work that i strive to achieve daily, I'm ready to celebrate another year into this life, now more than ever before, by embracing my blessings, my challenges and my failures which made me wiser today, and more focused than ever to achieve my dreams.,Wishing you all an Happy New Year 2015,filled with Love,Happiness and- God in your Life - who will unfailingly grant your heart desires.Just keep, keep it on, and believe that anything is possible." - Miss-K
Published by Miss-K's Team !