Mogul Monday...
"Discover your #Gift!
That Gift is what will help you build your #vision and
take your career to the next level!!" Miss-K
"Discover your #Gift!
That Gift is what will help you build your #vision and
take your career to the next level!!" Miss-K
Shot taken during UK #fashionweek in 2014, for#VogueUK Editor in chief A.Chisman. Jacket by#channel for #Designerjumble-Stylist:#isabellbricknell Pic by #brian_would - Model:#Missk @misskworld #fashion #hautecouture#vintage #goldengirl #goldegrind #goldenmind#curves #kurvy #fashion #plussizefashion #bossup#dresstoimpress #bossmodeon #curvygirlrock#dressthatfits #plussizemodel #curvymodel#style#effortlessly #hautecouture #classy #hautefashion
Published by Miss-K's Team !