Monday, March 14, 2022

Miss-K attends Ghanaian 65th Independence day, as Royal Guest.

Yesterday, Miss-K was made a royal guest at the 65th Ghanaian Independence Day Celebration & Thanks Giving Memorial for the Covid-19 Victims, attending with Ghanaian Royals, which included, H.R.H Queen Nana Hemaa Amonoo Gyamfuah Debrah, Asantefuo Hemaa UK, The 1st.

Additionally, they were joined by other traditional rulers, which included
His Royal Highness King Nana Owusu Sekyere, Twafuorhene of UK,
and His Royal Highness King Nana Adontenhene ne adontenhen 1, UK The 1st.

Miss-K stated: "It was such a pleasure and ultimate honor to be a V.I.P guest to H.R.H Queen Nana Hemaa Amonoo Gyamfuah Debrah, Asantefuo Hemaa UK, The 1st from the Ashanti Region of Ghana, what a great day, events and atmosphere. I loved it."

Published by Miss-K's Team!