Hey you guys, last night Miss k was @ Madame JOJO,out on the catwalk for PURPLE TURTLE BEADS, fashion show.. it was one of a kind...
she reports: it was a wonderful evening..i had such a good time, the models were wonderful , it was a very small changing room space we had backstage , but we all managed...all models were professionals and the new collections was off the hook, yes yes yes Miss Aisha..CEO of the Brand, woooaaaed the crowed..it was sincerely a show not to be missed..looking forward to seeing the pictures..thanks to all those that came to give me support..

but you know i couldn't stop there, so After the fashion show i had to go to Show some support to Dj Abass that just happened to organize the after party for the Nigerian Carnival Corner..so i had to pass by and say hi.. didn't stay was just too exhausted.."
Glamorously yours, with love ...Miss k